Friday, February 15, 2008

Interview Project Set Up

Eugene IHS: Literature & the Arts

Interview Project

Interviewing is a useful form of research in many ways. To become more accustomed to interviewing, you will be conducting two interviews this semester. They will both be with the same person and be used to create a work of creative non-fiction. The following will be included in this project:

1. Class discussion and brainstorming
2. Role-playing
3. Question writing and practice anticipating results of questions
4. Tape recording interviews
5. Writing up interview material
6. Editing, revising, and rewriting
7. Managing time! Don’t procrastinate
8. Reviewing various models of interviews
9. Transforming the interview into creative nonfiction

You will need:

A. Someone to interview. They must be at least a generation older than you are and not a relative.

B. A script or a plan for asking them for the interview and phone numbers. Request time politely. You will set up two interviews at once. Do not wait until the first interview to set up the second. The first must be by ___________ and the second should be between _____________. Plan on at least 30 minutes for each interview.

C. Interview questions, prepared and rehearsed plus a tape recorder. You must record the final interview. Be sure to practice with the recorder ahead of time. It can be quite embarrassing if it doesn’t work. This tape will be submitted to me with your final write-up. You may tape both if you choose. Plan ahead! You may check out a tape recorder from the room but the amount of recorders is limited so plan ahead.

I am sending home a letter with you for your parents/ guardians to sign. Please return this by _____________. This will be a homework grade.


I am available every morning before school and evening after school for help with this assignment. Please schedule a time if you are struggling.

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